Hey! Well this is a great wallpaper that took a lot of time to put together. The scans are originally from Minitokyo.net so I have to give credit there however there was 7 not just 6. The other one was Gin but since he was a bad guy, Kisuke to his spot haha.
Now lets see how smart everyone was. I actually did this on purpose to make sure the wallpaper evened out. I put Hisagi and Kira on the top left and bottom right because of black outfits and being vice captains plus they both faced the opposite ways. Next I put Kisuke and Toshiro on the bottom left and top right because of facing different ways plus white robes and because they were captains. Lastly, I put Renji and Ichigo in the middle because well DUH they both are showing their abs for gawd sacks!!! ;A; The beauty!!! :3
Well I also contrasted with darker colors on top like the purple and darker green with brighter greens on the bottom and yes red is darker than orange so I put that on the bottom to accent the darker colors on top and vice versa. I know you can all bow down before me and my smarts!!! lol kidding kidding. Please enjoy.
Comments and hugs are always appreciated.