LystikinenaXP (Wallpaper Portfolio) A happy winter day

A happy winter day
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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{I wrote the description yesterday, just in case anything sounds funny ^^}

1920x1200 ^_^ (You should know by now that's the best resolution to look at my wallpapers XD)

Dear goodness...this took so long...well, I had to stop because of a virus that almost got into my computer >_<. I was in the middle of looking for a scarf for the bubbly snowman, but then in the search, bam! the computer's under attack. Thankfully everything looks ok now, I did a full system scan and nothing was detected. Yeah, take that viruses, my laptop is healthy! XD lol.

Anyways, moving right along, I like how my snowman came out :3. It's funny how it takes me from one thing to another. I had a completely different idea: a landscape with a muddy/snowy path that came along from the horizon to the front, with a couple of trees and mountains on the back. It didn't work out :/ I'm no good at doing those type of landscapes from scratch. So I tried to think of something more simpler for the background, but that it included something that would be nice to look at. XDD. So I searched for winter landscapes, and stumble a couple of snowman pics so...hey that works X3. Started doing my own little snowman, I did everything except for the hat and nose. I also gave him depth with the Embossed effect.

Yeah, I ended up doing my own scarf instead XD. Heh, not too bad I guess ^_^.

Well that's it for me, now it would be nice to read what you think. After all, I spent all evening doing this >:3 XDD.
Comments/faves are appreciated


Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
blue, girl, landscape, naa, neko, school girl, sky, snow, snowman, trees, white, winter
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