This is a wallpaper of Jaga, and LionO from the anime/cartoon Thundercats. I was going through my older wallpapers earlier and i saw that i had created some pretty crappy thundercats wallpapers a couple of years ago (when i first started making wallpapers) , so i thought i would use my upgraded skills to make something with better quality. This wallpaper turned out better than i had anticipated due to some newer functions i discovered. I was planning on adding more to it, but it looked good this way, so i left it alone. It's a cool scene from an awesome show and i hope you all enjoy :)
Yamchaa (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Jaga & LionO - EXODUS

1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 12/20/09
- Category
- ThunderCats Wallpapers
- Tags
- exodus, jaga, liono, thundercats
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- 3 votes
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- 1 member
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