Karmira (Wallpaper Portfolio) Hanasakeru Seishonen Theme

Hanasakeru Seishonen Theme
1024x768 | 800x600

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I am finally back. I'm sorry if I haven't been doing a lot of wallpapers lately. On my break, I stayed away from my personal creative activities to play with my siblings. Then, I got busy again. I'll be present more often now. I have some new series to introduce to you, and I'll be returning to some of the older series, including Samurai Deeper Kyo. I'm sure kisskiss-bangbang will be thrilled.

This anime is Hanasakeru Seishonen. Kajika's father tells her that she has a great destiny, but he won't tell her what until she has a husband. Thus begins the husband seeking game. The three men Henry Barnseworth has chosen will stand out to her. They are like gems or flowers in the rough. Will Kajika fall in love with one of the three, and will another person much closer to her reach out for her in time?

I adore this series. It's full of comedy, romance, and friendship, as well as tons of surprises with adventure and mystery. All the characters are wonderful and engaging characters. It's one of my top ten series ever.

This is dedicated to all my subscribers and friends. Thanks for all the hugs, glomps, and presents for my brithday, Christmas, and New Years. I know I'm loved. Enjoy!

The widescreen doesn't have any border, which is better in my opinion. I created the background and the scan is from MiniTokyo.

Hanasakeru Seishonen Wallpapers
barnseworth kajika, eugene, flowers, hanasakeru seishonen, huang li-ren, karl, lumati, mustafa
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