Title: Simple but Elegant
Used: Gimp 2.6
Theme: Flowers
Why: Winter
Time: Four days
We had about in the three days, five feet of snow fall in my town/city. So when I came out on and off, everything was all white and frozen and sparkle like for a while till it would melt. So I got to playing around with some things on gimp 2.6 listening to some Japanese classical music and just let the creative mind flow mostly you might see and you can see the out come of it all.
I kept to a simple design to it, just using only two flowers with a glossy and softglow filters in Gimp 2.6. Keeping to a black background to keep the eye on the flowers mostly in the center with a bit of a base bottom worked with a few brushes and smudge to blend it in tones of white and grey. Adding in the sparkle a bit as a touch of a frame and light just a tad for the moment.