Title: Brursting of Flowers
Anime: Bleach
Theme: No Pattern and no Plan
Layers: Six Layers
Time: Four Days and one Hour
Why: Well, I was working on my other Bleach wallpaper with Shiro Chan and also found this vector of Rukia while hitting the web in the wee hours of the night. I liked how it looked and the express on her face so I tried a few things out with colors and planning and basic layout till I did a blend of red and orange shades in the back ground. Then used the erase tool and different brushes and liked how it looked in the colors and depth it came out with some more ribbon brushes. There was no set layout plan like my other wallpaper but it seemed to turn out well. Its simple but like the theme is: No Pattern and No Plan. I recolored the Bleach Logo to matched and added it in as a last detail.