MFran (Wallpaper Portfolio) Kiwi Passion

Kiwi Passion
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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So this is my true style. (Lol, my 50th wall here, hurray!)
Patterns+Kunie FTW! ! ! !
Copy-pasta from MT/AP
It's been months. Blame school I've been busy as hell. And lazy. And with no inspiration.
And no, I'm not obssesed with Kunie art....I swear. :3

A week or two ago I found this scan and I fell in love inmediately. It was so full of life and vivid. I liked the movement too.

I started with the outlines, I was done quick enough, but then I had to decide the color scheme. I knew which colors I didn't want: blue and pink. There's too much pink in my gallery. I picked green. And all sort of green shades :3
Then, patterns. As always. Pattern came from sailorchiron's origami paper's and DevArt. I tried to go for a simpler look, so I had to be very careful with the patterns I picked. I liked how it came out.
I think I'm finally getting the edge with the patterns. I reckon that I have NOT repeat a pattern in the wall. Every single thing here has a unique pattern. Well, I do that for most of my walls, but I had never been so careful like this time so maybe in the past I had a repeated pattern.

I have some WIP, like 2 or 3...maybe more *sigh* I hope I can finish them soon.

Thanks to Kitten for helping me with the title, she gave me many options, I suggested "Kiwi" she replied "Kiwi Passion". :3

More pretty stuff at EDD!

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
green, kunie kanbara, patterns, text, textures
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