Bleachic (Wallpaper Portfolio) *Gaara's Undying Love for Sasu

*Gaara's Undying Love for Sasu
1024x768 | 800x600

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One of the rules to this challenge was to give the reason for why this wallpaper is your best and the story behind it. Well, I'll start with the story first.

One day, I was on the phone with my best friend and we were discussing our favorite characters. Well, of course her and her hubby's is the great ol' Sasuke Uchiha. I had told them my fave character is most definatley Gaara. Well, her hubby laughed at me and called Gaara a wimp (that's the clean version of the term he used). I'm not an uber Sasuke fan and I find that his character is kind of over-rated, so I made this wallpaper.

The reason why this is the best wallpaper I've ever made is, well, it's because I spent a lot of time on it and it turned out to look better than I had expected. I had made this into a card shortly after I had finished because I couldn't submit wallies at the time. Now I am to, so I thought I would share it.

As far as credits go, I got the chibi Gaara image from a card Sand Heart had submitted. The chibi Sasuke image came from here as well. I would be glad to credit the creator of the wallpaper in which I got the image from, however, I can't them. The background was created by me. It's simple and not too much, but I figured it suited Gaara.

Well, I hope I covered everything the rules had stated. This is the first challenge I ever entered a wallpaper in and I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper itself!



Naruto Wallpapers
gaara, gaara sabakuno, kazekage, nauto, sabakuno, sabakuno gaara, sand village, sasuke, sasuke uchiha, uchiha sasuke
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