riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) Escape

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Title: Escape
Character: Tsuna
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Comment: So I've gotta say I'm pretty glad I save all my wallpapers in their layer form. >__<;; The original wallpaper had a ghost in it and was removed from Minitokyo (didn't know it wasn't allowed; now I do =D haha). But I really liked the wallpaper, so I took the ghost-ness out of it and I fixed it up a little. I couldn't get the exact same effect with the lighting that the first wallpaper had...however, I think this one does a pretty cool job on its own. Besides the vector, the lighting is really the biggest factor in this wallpaper... the background brushes obviously play a roll, but they're not as big of a change to the wallpaper as the lighting is. It took me a couple tries to get a result that satisfied me.

But! Even though it took a few tries, in the end, the result turned out nice. Heck, I might even like this wallpaper MORE than the original... Haven't compared em side-by-side. But alas! Regardless, I'm still providing a Tsuna wallpaper for all the Tsuna fans out there. (I know I'm madly in love with him...when he's in hyper mode >.> otherwise he's just too wimpy... kinda. He got way better as the series progressed ^-^)

I called it "Escape" (instead of the "Burn Bright Tsuna") because of some changes in the wallpaper. The lighting is different, and causes me to get the idea that he's both causing and overcoming the darkness around him. Obivously the red-ish background represents his flames...but the black "misty-fog-ish-stuff" is more of the darker side of himself and of what he will become. After all, mafia bosses aren't sugar and sweet...even if he wants to be. But the dark area also hold meaning for the dark he fights against and has to overcome. Part of it is ontop of Tsuna in the wallpaper...this is because it feels like he can't get rid of the evil/bad-guys around him and even when he does they're still coming back for more (if you've seen up to episode 180, you probably understand what I'm talking about).

Regardless, it may or may not be as good as the first, but I hope everyone still likes it! ^____^ Enjoy!

Katekyo Hitman Reborn Wallpapers
10th, boss, bright, burn, escape, gloves, hitman, intense, mofia, orange, reborn, red, ring, sawada, tsuna, tsunayoshi, vongola, yellow
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