josephine12cute (Wallpaper Portfolio) summer sweetheart

summer sweetheart
1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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alright... so i submitted a new wall after the taekwondo elimination round was originally supposed to be on 23, but moved to 25, then later changed to may 24 (what a troublesome, f*ckin' schedule!)

good news that our team won and we'll be proceeding to the semi-finals but due to certain circumstances, some teams needed to have re-match (lucky us!) so that means the semi-finals might also change schedule and more time for me to take a rest

i've taken a good rest after my match (though again, i had a new set of bruises...) and i've taken the opportunity to finish this lucy wallpaper that i actually started before for your entertainment...and its really hard since i definitely started from scratch and made everything (except lucy and the heart brushes) myself

for the brush, my brother downloaded it but he doesn't remember where (so sorry if can't give credit)

i know that summer is almost ending soon and that this wallpaper is totally late for the season, but still i want to submit it since summer isn't still over

dedicated for NeKo MoonShine as a b-day present... sorry if this is too late but i hope you understand... belated happy b-day =)

Fairy Tail Wallpapers
fairy tail, heart, hearts, josephine12cute, lucy, lucy heartfilia, orange, summer, yellow
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allycat2090 Fable555 Krauz JVC1103 Volfor empperor tintinanimelover Ayustak jinx16 Darkarax iron terk k1475321 VampireGod Mercurius100 Impalagirl windfish55 Felcie NeKo MoonShine lacuslover
Member Dedication
NeKo MoonShine

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