^^ My entry for Moon-Chan's challenge~rnrnWell, lets see...rnrnThings I Like- 8'D I managed to find Baccano! piccys!!!!! Dude! It took me forEVER though to find some that weren't ones that you just looked up on google ><rnrnThings I Don't Like- >>' Some of the pictures look a little weird....T^T One Isaac's head is FLAT! Miria is half hiden by Jacuzzi and Claire looks like a creeper coming up on Jacuzzi TwT (Though, if you've seen Baccano!, Claire is kind of a creeper... Hem.) And part of Claire's hand got cut off -_- Sorry this wallie is so problematic...rnrnSorry Moon-Chan that I didn't put all of them in ^^U I couldn't find some of them and I don't like a few of them(they scare meh ._.) rnrnEnjoy~rnrnCREDITSrnrnAll pictures are from Photo Bucket I think? One or two might be form Image Shack.rnrnPS~If you haven't watched Baccano! ever, than watch it!!!! 8D Not many people have seen it and it is an awesome anime!!!!rnrnEDITrnrnAck >< A few things just kept bugging me so I changed them around a little... First I got rid of Claire, switched a few people around, made them bigger and added some tansparent effects and tada XD
littlepooch (Wallpaper Portfolio)

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- Created
- 05/28/10
- Category
- Baccano! Wallpapers
- Tags
- baccano, challenge, claire, isaac, jacuzzi, littlepooch, miria, moon-chan, moonsailor, poochy
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- 15 votes
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- 9 members
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