Title: Kiba no Ken- Tetsusaiga (Fang Sword- Tetsusaiga)
Artist: Kaoru Wada
xDDDDDD o____0
So, this was entirley made with Photoshop.
I took a picture of Inuyasha, & i made a layer over top of da original picture.
I used a small circle brush & outlined him.
& den i colored his hair & sword.
After dat, i went & puked. STUPID F__KING HEAT!
& den 3 hourz after dat, i came back on & colored da rest of him.
& den i re-outlined him.
& den i couldn't figure out an easier way ta make a background for it, so i left it.
I woke up @ 8 diz morning, & I made a new layer behind him & added some cool effectz, & dare yaz go! ^U^
C yaz‼