Title: My Heart Will Go On
Artist: Celine Dion
♫You're here there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on~♫
*is actually crying*
*whips tears away*
Ok, now ta other snuff.........
So! For my second entry for the challenge, "YOUR Favourite", I have choosen to make one of my 2 favorite characters from my all-time favorite movie "Black Beauty"; Black Beauty & Ginger.
How They Became My Favorite Characters:
Well, day became my favorite characters because I thought it was cute when they were in love~! Yes, I know dat they're just horses, but when ya watch the movie, u forget dat they're even horses!!
& it get's really depressing at dee end when Ginger was abused so much dat she dies & Black Beauty get's to see her one last time & it always makes me cry & *snifles* Now imma crying T__T
*shakes head* OK~!!!! I'M FINE!...........
I hope ya'z like da wallie~! & I hope it'z nt too crowded........
C yaz‼ ♫