Title: Calutation and Chaos
Used: Gimp 2.6
Time: 3 weeks
Layers: 22
Theme: When two very different things meet such as oil and water and war and peace.
Why: While watch bleach and reading the manga, I was thinking about how different Aizen and Ichigo are in the anime and just who these men are in all personality a bit. Aizen is always planning for everything and is often three steps ahead of anyone or thing as it has shown. A guy with a plan for any out come you can think and how to work the situation to his point. Ichigo is based all on emotions if you watch him which is normal for a teenager and such when thrown into moments he can not control, while all the time showing a strong and calm face but on the inside is a storm. Which is shown in when he goes all the hollow, there is not thought in what he does or planning just embody chaos.
So i thought I thought I might try to show this with the city in flames also to reflect the moment before the battle breaks, Using flame blushes with the glowing hot filter really made them look like flames of war as the city is burning from the fight of the two super powers. I kept to gray and white tunes for almost everything yet u can see the city in the flame well, I used a few filters and just tired things with shadows and a 3d outline.