Here is a wallpaper of Amulet Heart, the honest and athletic character of Amu. Amulet Heart is a cool form because later on she learns to fly higher and she learns how to become more offensive against enemies. I really enjoyed making this wallpaper because this is one of my favorite images of Amulet Heart and it wasn't too hard to extract. I also like how the background turned out. I again would highly recommend the 1280x800 version of the wallpaper for a more complete view. Dedicated to all the Shugo Chara fans out there.
Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio)
Amulet Heart

1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
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- Created
- 08/22/10
- Category
- Shugo Chara Wallpapers
- Tags
- amulet heart, hinamori amu, shugo chara
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- 15 votes
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- 11 members
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