This is my first wallpaper submission to the, and was made to ideally fit a MacBook's unique desktop shape (the dock tends to cut off the artwork at the bottom, and it's widescreen, so regular wallpapers don't fit). There's a basic standard style screen version of it as well, letterboxed for a better fit without distortion.
"Invisible Wall" is such a hot video, it was begging to be made into a wallpaper... and I wanted to create one that didn't have fan-girling written all over it, or duplicated imagery... and no "claim to fame" signature on it either, since that takes away from the attractiveness of the installed wallpaper. It's not like I own Ruki anyway... even though that issomething that every fan-girl secretly imagines! LOL
I hope that you enjoy my little piece of fandom, and hope to be able to share more with you in the future!