Shinzo (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Stars Will Be Our Witness

The Stars Will Be Our Witness
1024x768 | 800x600

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Yesh people, I am currently on a semi-walling high~ Hahaha....I'm here with my first Gakuen Alice wallpaper! I just browsed through the MT gallery and I saw so many new scans that my archive is deprived of T^T Ahh but I can only use scans that's currently in my folder because of my uncooperative stolen net XD Ahh yes, my net went down cause my itchy hand brothers wanted to play "technician" and my mom doesn't know the ISP username and password so I can't do anything either unless she gives me what I need to re-configure the internet. The result? We're like damsels in distress now waiting for the REAL technicians to come and save us XD You have no idea how many times I had to refresh this page to submit this ><"

Now on with the details! BTW don't you think mikan and natsume just get cuter and cuter? ^^

Walling Process:

The picture of Mikan and Natsume were extracted from this scan:

Gakuen alice chapter 115

FYI it was terrible because it was hard to make out the outlines of Mikan's dress and the frills....OH THE FRILLS! *dies* Natsume was must easier...and after extracting them! I got the idea of the starry sky thing from the scan itself! Though this time, I used scans of Natsume and Mikan that I had in my folder. Aaa...the rest was quite easy....that is...until I notice they looked like they were floating without shadows beneath them...oh yea...then came the horror....=.=

The shadows alone took me forever since I rarely do anything that involves a specific lighting source...but this was definitely much easier compared to the Syaoran wallpaper I made :S

I made the starry field from scratch, used 3 gradients as the bg and did the glowing stars with the shape tool~ Yeap! Sounds pretty easy eh? ^^

But I couldn't decide between to have snow or not... o.O so I have updated both versions! Please refer below for standard resolutions ^^

Programme: Adobe Photoshop CS 2
Materials: 3 gradients, 5 scans, 1 PNG
Tools used: gradient, brush tool, smudge tool, blur tool, text tool, Pen tool, Shape tool
Effects and Blending Options used: soft light
Layers: 35
Time Taken: 2 hours {inclusive of extracting)
Easiest Part: The BG
Hardest part: The frills on Mikan's dress
Inspiration: song - Summit Sword by T.M. Reovlution (SENGOKU BASARAAAA! <3)
Font(s) Used : Champignon


Brushes: Basic PS brushes
Texture: N/A
Scan Reference : Minitokyo

Standard Resolution [No Snow Ver.]

Wide Screen Resolution [No Snow Ver.]

Enjoy! =P

Gakuen Alice Wallpapers
gakuen alice, mikan, natsume
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