Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) Legendary Water Queen

Legendary Water Queen
1024x768 | 800x600

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I would like to take you back to a time when Pokemon was still Pokemon. Back when it was Ash, Misty, and Brock journeying through the Pokemon world, and fighting those three Team Rocket rejects in every episode. I would like to take you back to a time when the games were simpler. Back to the time of the Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal versions, when Mew could be captured with a simple glitch in Red, Blue, and Yellow, and could be traded over to the later three games with a spare Gameboy Color and the proper link cable. Sadly, those days are gone now. They replaced Misty with that girl May, only to replace May with that other girl, Dawn, and now even Dawn has been replaced with some new girl. Heck, they even replaced Brock with some other dude with green hair. Why don't they just replace Ash while they're at it. They might as well. After all, Ash has been ten for how many years now? Sorry for the rant there. I just needed to get that stuff off my chest. Anyway, this wallpaper is sort of meant to recapture that golden age of the Pokemon franchise when it looked like the series was actually going somewhere. Although I will admit that some of the new Pokemon are kinda cool. Anyway, I found both of the images used on Photobucket. One I know is a screenshot. I don't know if the other image is fan art or not, but if it is, that person did a really great job.

I would like to dedicate this wallpaper to xXSayde WolfXx, who's recent Team Rocket wallpaper was what inspired me to create this work. Enjoy

Pokemon Wallpapers
misty, pokemon
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