Name: Dance of Light
Anime: Letter Bee
Cannon: Lag
Time: Week in a 1/2
Theme: aurora (plural: auroras or aurorae) is a natural light display in the sky, particularly in the polar regions, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth's magnetic field. An aurora is usually observed at night and typically occurs in the ionosphere. It is also referred to as a polar aurora or, collectively, as polar lights.
Notes: Well this did not how I wanted it mostly but after playing around with some brushes and re call the Aurora back in my old home state after moving it came out like this. Mostly also not having any snow maybe me miss x-mas a bit in the snowy way and the lights in in the sky a touch. Half the problem was trying to find a good brush for snow but after a bit I came to use a sparkle brush and a few simple filters to make it look a touch like snow, mostly a move/blur filter here and there. Making the aurora look how it did was a doubling of white and color and blurring it more and remixing the layers a bit in depth and also highlight using a light filter here and there to make a play of light.
Happy X-man and Yule to all!