kisskiss-bangbang (Wallpaper Portfolio) send in the CLOWNS

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~Dedicated to Nacht~

I loved this manga so much! The ending was uber sad; actaul factual made me cry. Which is sad within itself. Its really good though.

Its about drugs to.

If you like that.

I think the blonde is Mari. I have no idea who the other one is. I played around with the main image alot. Changed some colours and made the faces pop out more. Alot of textures and brush work added. Although you can't tell. *wispears* They are well hidden. The text if from a REALLY REALLY old commercail that. Um. Who did it now. Dell I think did for their laptops.

"Now is the time those fanatical minds try to rule the whole world. Telling us all its them, who are in charge of it all."

Or something like that.

It was three years ago I think when they put that out. I feel old now. I liked the green/orange theme going on so I felt the text needed that kinda colour. I worked on this for about two days straight. Four hours each day. Eight hours?

Also becuase I love making you guys suffer through really long rants here; the auther/drawing talent behind SWITCH is really awesome. you guys should go amaze at their art. And buy their books too.

Just putting that out there.

Dedicated to Mr Nacht.

Becuase no matter how long he deny's it we all know hes a sweet heart. He likes to hide behind his evil little ploys and often throws things at me because I call him cute to many times(also I will get him to cross dress for me one day) hes a sweet heart. Thanks for putting up with my endless stupidity about pop cultur(cultar?) Mr Nacht. Your a real true mate. Heres to me pretending your my friend.

Please don't kill me for telling everyone your deep dark secret that your awesome and secretly warm and fuzzy inside.

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hanawa Nacht Oasaka45656
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