Hey Everyone! I am abit new here, so this is my first peice
I dedicate this to my love for the lolita style, it's beauty, and the person from deviant art who drew this (I know I suck, because I can't remember who drew it ) The phrase included on this background is also from a little song called "Pale" By the Birthday Massacre, in which the only thing I changed was instead of "is there a trait of innocence" I changed trait to trace because I just thought it fit the picture more. Anyway, Enjoy!
. Took me about 3 hour, as I had to slowly cut out the girl from the original Picture
. I used some brushes that I also got off of deviant art, alas, I cannot remember from who it was
. I got the back drop picture off of google
. And of coarse, Lastly do not steal this and say you created it, as I rightfully made it and left the water mark on the bottom of this piece to lt you be sure of it. Thanks!