jikosangel (Wallpaper Portfolio) rescue_me

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arg...new year is off to a bad start, it would seem. in many ways. worked the evil 6:30 to 2:30 shift at work, which i hate--the kitchen forgot to make part of our meal. various other slight issues. my honey has been less than attentive lately, and lazy as can be (today is his 4th consecutive day off, all of which was spent playing WOW). he gets more and more lethargic with every day he doesn't win.

church was cool, saw my brother and dad, but mom and grammie weren't there. mostly sucky. yesterday was just a fail as a new years eve- ran errands all day, then ran to work. convinced the bf to order pizza as our "something special" but wound up being mostly ignored for half the night (WOW must die). we ate our stuffed crust super yummy pizza while watching big bang theory, and that was the hour of his time that i got yesterday. that's it. soooo...not really looking forward to the new year so much now.

sorry, all. needed to get that out somewhere, and better here than facebook, i guess. i am just so sick of this. he promises change, then pulls this crap, and we're right back in the infinite loop of "i promise i'll get better" which lasts a day or two, then disappears completely. only it hurts more when you're living together. but hey, i was the stupid one who said i had to give it a second chance or i'd regret it for the rest of my life. 2011, reveal to me whether this is ever gonna be worth the endless effort i put in ASAP so i can tell when to cut my losses. please.

ANYWAY this is just a random little blurb of an artpiece because i am bored and upset and have free time with nothing to do. it was simple eenough, and i followed all the same techniques as my last wallie, so nothing new. just kinda messin around to pass the time. thanks for looking!

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alone, crying, depressed, sad, upset
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