Alllrighty then!! as further proof that i am totally in a constant flux of emotion lately, here's the wallie i made today, which is a complete opposite to the one i did last night. my life is suuuch a rollercoaster, and unfortunately a lot of my happiness depends on how my honey treats me. if he's in a pissy mood and snaps on me a lot, chances are i'm gonna be really upset and out of it for a while.
Buuuut on days like today when he goes out of his way to spoil me, voluntarily do chores, and cook dinner, well, it sure makes me feel a lot more positive! IK people say we're not supposed to let others affect us this much, but really, when you live together and this is the only person you see that isn't a coworker or customer, it kinda plays a big part, you know? Sooo as a thanks for him being so good today and in light of my chaotic morning (cuz i'm focusing on the looong sleep i'm gonna have tonight!), HERE'S MY 2ND NEW YEARS WALLIE ^_____^
I absolutely ADORE skip beat, like you have no ideeeea :D hahaha it is suuuch a great manga. i reallly need to catch up cuz i haven't been reading anything lately. buut that's more fun anyway cuz i'll have several chapters all lined up ^_____^ I took a pretty scenic background, mutilated the color palette slightly (LOL) and then threw a bunch of my favorite KYOKO pics under a photograph lens thingy!! Top it off with a fantastic shot of Kyou-chan and some inspiring words, and TADAAAA <3
(Dedicated to HelloKatty, my most recent subscriber! congrats, you caught my attention by subing me lately, and so you get my pretty pretty new paper!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE SUB!!! ^___^ I hope you like the wallie!)