jikosangel (Wallpaper Portfolio) thankyouthankyou

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Ok so...there is a VERY long story behind this wallie. if you care to know it, go check out my world "love me always" (http://www.theotaku.com/worlds/loveme) just go read the parts about 2009 and 2010, the 3 most recent chapters. for those who don't wanna do all that:

it's been a very long two years for me. things have been very difficult on almost all fronts, and i was so close to going crazy. i was just getting really run down, and then the sleep deprivation from working, and everything...it was getting so bad. but i made a goal, and i told myself that i was gonna make this year different.

the first way i was gonna do that was by getting a new job!! because the one that i am at is HORRIBLE (again, that story is in chapter: 2010), and it's sucking my life away. So i told myself that I would do everything in my power to get a new job as soon as possible!! Well, last Tuesday (a week ago tomorrow) I went out for about 3 hours to go apply at various places on a big street near my house. Two of those places expressed interest in me, enough that i held my breath on them.

wednesday i got callbacks from both of them asking for interviews. they both set interviews for the next day, thursday. both said that they needed to complete a couple more interviews and then set up a 2nd interview if they liked me. but on friday, one called me and offered me the job!! it's part time, but up to 20 to 30 hours a week, and starting at 9.00! (the most i've ever been offered!) so i'm still reeling from that one, and i go about my lazy weekend, knowing that i am starting my new job tomorrow and have to write my resignation for the old one (^___^).

well, this morning i got a call from an unknown number: it was a store i had applied at back in november, when my current sucky job had forced me to part time while i was still living on my own, and they wanted to know if i was still available and wanted to come in and do a group interview this thursday? YESSS ^__^ Why not?? Well, about 2 hours later, the other job i had been holding my breath for called me back (he had seemed very intent on hiring me), and said that he wanted to hire me as well!! It will be only 8.25, my lowest of the 3, and it's just a few hours (because whoever sells the best gets the most hours) but that should make it easy for working around the main new job's schedule.

Sooo I am kinda in shock- i mean, i went out for ONE DAY, barely that (because my honey kept whiiiining that he wanted to go hooome and he was booored, even though he was supposed to be filling out apps, too). So the first job I got was actually the last place I applied before we went home. And now I have 2 JOBS, and another interview!! In this economy, at my age (almost 20!), this is just insanity ^________^ And that is why I made this THANK YOU wallie:

A great big THANK YOU to God, who I know is responsible for making all of this happen. When I buckled down and said that I wanted to make this a good year, and I was determined to do whatever was in my power to make it the best year ever, He took over and made it happen. One week in, I got a job. Ten days in, I got a second, and another interview. I know this is not me, my power, making this happen. SO THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING <3 I couldn't do it without you!!

Hope you all don't mind me and my looong speech! I dedicated this to HelloKatty, who recently subscribed to me! I wanted to thank you as well, since i really appreciate the sub! thank you :D

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