Apocalypse92 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Love is War [Vocaloid]

Love is War [Vocaloid]
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Hello lovely people n.n

Making this wallpaper was so much fun! I just had to make a Miku-wallpaper, since she is my favorite vocaloid And I've recenlty started making things on Photoshop from just a white screen(so is this background), and I uploaded this one, and Saxgirl told me it'd be nice if I put like a character or quote in it =) So here's another try =)
This is the english translation of Love is War, which is really beautiful! And again, it was so cool making this wallpaper! =D Kinda hard too though, since some of the Miku's I used weren't really... complete? Like the big one in the bottem right wasn't, but I solved that by fading here and using an eraser tool with many opacity's to make it look good... And it was really hard to get the bottom left one looking okay... but I managed in the end ^^ In this wallpaper I tried to adjust the characters to the background and each other bu changing the hue and saturation and stuff... but enough about the technical stuff =D

Miku is awesome! hmhm, really is! And she's cute (or Kawaii, as Japanese people would say... Kawaii is so much cooler than cute =D)... though, when you search her on google... some weird stuff shows up :S I mean, come on... she's cute and all, but It's not my wish to see her in her underwear (Especially when my non-otaku sister is sitting next to me... she was like 'what the hell are you doing?!' xD) And I love this song... and Vocaloid itself is really cool too! =D

Anyway n.n
Here are the links to the pics used;
I did use some textures on the background... But I don't remember where I got them xD and ehm... I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 7.0, it took me about 3-4 hours :P

Dedicated to Kailith, cuz I haven't talked to her for a while n.n sorry for that!


(Feedback is always muchy appreciated n.n)

Miku Hatsune Wallpapers
hatsune, love, miku, war
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