jikosangel (Wallpaper Portfolio) SoKissMe!

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Wheeee~!! ^______^ So i've been doing homework all day, on and off, and in the middle of it, I stopped to make this! i had a one page paper for Children's Lit and a book review for Women's History, both due tomorrow, and they are FINALLY done, so I can sit back and publish this <3

This is from a series i dearly love, VENUS IN LOVE. it's a super cute shoujo about college life, college romance, and love. Very, very shoujo, i must warn, but i LOVE IT ^____^ This is the "main" guy, Fukami, who is really just our secondary male lead character, and his eventual love interest, the adorable fashion design student, Hono-chan :D They are SO cute together! he gets really embarrassed around her, which always makes her laugh.

I took a scan of a scrapbook paper that I bought and messed with the colors and shadows of that as the background, then added the scan and some light coloring for the cute couple ^__^ I also did some detailing to the ivy and then the script <3 I really like the way those colorblocks look on the page, and think i will continue to experiment with them :D

the lyrics are from a GREAT old song called "Kiss Me" by this great band called (looks it up) SIXPENCE NONE THE RICHER ^______^ I've always really really loved this old song, and the music video is funny. Anyway, it played on the radio earlier today, and it inspired me to make this! Hope you like it :D

Dedicated to NotUnderstood-chan for the recent sub and all the faves!! And for putting up with my weirdness yesterday, haha! Thank you very much for everything ^____^ Hope that you like my new wallie!

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
fukami, garden, green, hono, kiss, kiss me, lyrics, moonlight, venus in love
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