ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) Sweet Summer

Sweet Summer
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My first [and probably only] entry for 'theOtaku Summer Fun Contest' challenge. I actually didn't have any plans for entering this challenge, but then I saw this image - when I was looking for some incredibly hard to find Tokyo Majin images. I'm really not much of a summer girl. Honestly, it would have been much easier for me if it had only been the girls on it - then I wouldn't have felt compelled to keep those four [lurking] guys in the background and could have extracted the two girls and put them on a different background.. Anyhow, this is a vastly different style for me and quite the learning experience of how to make a simple non-extracted image interesting. I hope my attempt worked.

I did have quite a bit of fun with it, even though I had no idea at first what I wanted to do. I did briefly consider stretching the image to fit, but I realized that I would hate the way that would look. Then I thought about getting a picture frame but ultimately I decided on this. Although I'm not really sure what it is supposed to be. Maybe it's a photograph on someone's refrigerator or corkboard... Anyway, although I considered adding some texture and/or more color designs to the strips of blue and yellow, I really am very pleased with the rather simple style of it.

Characters are [from left to right]: Tatsuma Hiyu, Kyouichi Houraiji, Komaki Sakuri, Aoi Misato, Kureha Mibu, Ukon Yatsurugi

You have no idea how difficult it was to find all the names and I hope they are spelled right because I got all except for Kureha's at one website, then I realized that Kyouichi's last name had been spelled wrong. I think everyone's are right - they look right. Although I really didn't know Kureha or Ukon's names so I merely hope they are right.

Plantish Summer Brushes
Foliage Brushes
Hibiscus Brushes
Floral Brushes
Musical Notes Brushes
Shells Brushes
Glitter Brushes
Floral Brushes 2
Font used is 'Dawning of a New Day' and can be found here.

Tokyo Majin Wallpapers
Aoi Misato, Komaki Sakuri, Kureha Mibu, Kyouichi Houraiji, Summer, Tatsuma Hiyu, Tokyo Majin, Ukon Yatsurugi
8 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
littledreamer2846 Tetsuo334 jcrosb
Member Dedication
theOtaku Summer Fun Contest

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