Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) If It's a Choice

If It's a Choice
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Image found on Photobucket (because both minitokyo and zerochan had nothing)

Special font: Destroy from dafont.com

Other font used: Bank Gothic (which I'm guessing comes as default on most computers)

So Saturday night, Cartoon Network showed one of the new Pokemon movies. Then they showed it again Sunday evening for those who might’ve missed it the first night. So I decided to watch it (in fact I recorded it and am watching it again right now). Now in the past I've said several times that I think the quality of the Pokemon anime has declined over the years (they should not have gotten rid of Misty). The one thing that saves the Pokemon anime though is that a lot of the new Pokemon are still interesting, especially the new Legendary Pokemon. I had already known about said Pokemon when I watched the movie, as I had read about them online when the Black and White games came out. But I decided to read about them again after the movie as a refresher.

One of the things that I was reminded of is that the two legendary dragons from the movie, Reshiram and Zekrom, have a counter part called Kyurem, who apparently represents wuji, the absence of yin and yang. Of course how exactly Kyurem is connected to the other two dragons is unknown at the moment, but there does seem to be a connection. I mean all three are dragons, they all have a similar look to them, and all three have similar sounding names. Kyurem of course is the Pokemon featured on the wallpaper. With that said, I'll talk about the inspiration behind this wallpaper.

So just as there are two different versions of the generation five Pokemon games (Black and White), there are also two different versions of the Pokemon movie that was recently shown. Apparently the other version was shown in movie theaters instead of on TV. So after watching the movie, I also looked into how the version that appeared in theaters was different. That got me to thinking about the differences between the Black and White games. Now I haven’t played either of these games, the main reason being that I don’t have a Nintendo DS. Plus I'm not sure if I have Wi Fi, and if I didn't then that might prevent me from doing some of the stuff in the game that requires it (I mean I have a wireless internet connection, but I don't if that's the same thing as Wi Fi).

Anyway, I have read about the Black and White games, and found that there's some cool stuff in White that's not in Black, and cool stuff in Black that's not in White. So if I were given a choice to play one or the other (which I guess I wouldn't mind doing), I'd choose to play a third version. I know, there is no third version (yet), but if there were I'm guessing that Kyurem would be the mascot for it. So that's the inspiration be hind this wallpaper. Enjoy.

Pokemon Wallpapers
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