Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Yu-Gi-Oh! 10th Anniversary

Yu-Gi-Oh! 10th Anniversary
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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I am such a huge fan of Yu-Gi-Oh. It was one of the first animes I ever really became a hardcore fan of. I still like it even today. I started liking Yu-Gi-Oh in about I'd say 3rd or 4th grade. I was in grade school when I started liking it. I first saw it when I was watching Saturday morning cartoons and it was just amazing. I think Yugi was dueling against Kaiba and I was hooked. It was an awesome anime with awesome characters and I just couldn't believe how awesome it was. It all started with Yugi Moto solving his millennium puzzle and becoming the King of Games. Then it continued on with Jaden Yuki and his adventures at Duel Academy, and then with Yusei in the futuristic city of Neo Domino. I'm not even counting Yuma in this one because I can't stand Yu-Gi-Oh ZEXAL. I'm just more of a fan of Yugi, Yusei, and especially Jaden. I love them characters to pieces. I love Yu-Gi-Oh still even today. First my door to anime opened when I saw Sailor Moon and then I liked Pokemon for awhile and finally arrived at Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm still finding new animes that I like even now. I'm becoming a fan of the Macross Frontier anime and movies. I also like Shugo Chara,Tokyo Mew Mew, and Kaleido Star. But I'll always be a hardcore fan of Yu-Gi-Oh however.
This wallpaper is a collaboration between me and SakuraLacusSaiyan. She made this fantastic background featuring screenshots of the Yu-Gi-Oh 10th anniversary movie. They look so awesome! I don't even know where she found them all but I love them. When I first saw that background I was just blown away because it was so awesome and amazing. I was even afraid to work with it because it would be such a challenge to add to something that was already great to begin with. I just settled with a bokeh texture in the background and barely faded the collage over it. That's all I did. Also I found a cool image of Yugi, Yusei, and Jaden to use in the foreground and that in itself was a challenge. It was hard to find one that was really good quality and it was also somewhat of a challenge to extract. But I'm happy with how how it turned out. I would like to thank SakuraLacusSaiyan for helping me with this wallpaper. Thank you friend, because without your help, this wallpaper wouldn't have been possible.
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Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
atem, jaden, judai, yu-gi-oh 5d's, yu-gi-oh gx, yu-gi-oh!, yugi, yusei
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Jukebox Hero RayeRoseFox CyootiePie ItaSasuRanma angel1753 PikachuPanda Yusuke3001 CureRose55 kennysama mimistar98 7thEvaChild nessy007 SakuraLacusSaiyan Darkarax clueless101
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