I'm resubmitting this wallpaper because I discovered a huge typo in a couple of places. I misspelled "Cthulhu". An easy word to misspell, I know, but as a fan of H.P. Lovecraft's most prominent short story (The Call of Cthulhu) I couldn't allow that typo to stay. I deleted the original version because TheO wouldn't let me change it for some reason. I just thought it was easier to delete it and submit it from scratch.
Anyway as I said before, this wallpaper was one of my weirder ideas, and depending on how well I did would either be a big hit or an epic fail. It started with the idea of Le Creuset supposedly being a member of the Cthulhu cult, and the newspaper idea formed from there. The idea for the article about the Haro Show came from me just trying to come up with a second article. I figured the "newspaper" would look better with two. Enjoy, and sorry for deleting the original.