ElfDuchess (Wallpaper Portfolio) Sneaking Tears

Sneaking Tears
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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My Sneaking Tears by Mark R Slaughter

How heavy fell the rain that day
From burdened clouds of mournful grey.
The torrent forced them stay their height -
Composure swayed by onerous might.

My skin wrung wet with icy chill
As mud embraced that sodden hill.
But mind of mine had elsewhere gone -
'Twas clouds abandoned I was on.

The driving drops advanced their gears
To camouflage my sneaking tears -
Whence now did swell such floods of pain
To see me melt into this rain…

On equal bearing now were we:
This rain; myself, in harmony.

I love the rain. Have for as long back as I can remember (no fear of thunderstorms for this girl). So, when I finally quit playing around and decided I was going to enter this challenge, it was quite easy for me to choose the beautiful subject for my first entry. (Possibly only entry. Don't know yet.) Now, I didn't want a happy, cheerful wallpaper (like with flowers in a rainstorm - or anything else really happy) because that isn't why I love the rain. I think the rain is beautiful because when it starts to storm, you cannot block out all the thoughts (good or bad) that are suppressed by the sunshine.

So, I wanted an image that reflected the depression that the rain can bring about. I certainly chose the right image for that. Perhaps an image that's even a little morbid. Oh well, it's a beautiful picture in and of itself. Of course, I have the horrible feeling that I didn't do the image justice - though I'm surprisingly happy with the wallpaper.

Two other notes:
This is the first time I've ever added something like a poem to my work. Usually I just stick with lyrics if I use typography. Hope it turned out well.
I'm not very good at making widescreen wallpapers. Although, I tried my best and I don't think it turned out too badly. 1920x1200 is the original resolution - even though every time I wanted to check how it looked, I had to shrink it down for my little 1024x768 computer screen.

Fluffy Cloud Brushes
Lightning Brushes
Rain Brushes
Fonts: Galeforce BTN & Lithos Pro & Pieces of Eight & Special Type

Peacemaker Kurogane Wallpapers
Ayumu, Beauty, Ichimura, Kurogane, Peacemaker, Poem, Rain, Sneaking, Susumu, Tears, Tetsu, Tetsunosuke, Yamazaki
10 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
scarlettnina123 Akeni Chan VampireGod Tetsuo334 allycat2090 DistantStar
Member Dedication
Beautiful to me

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