{{ ♥ }}
○Brightened It
○Changed Color Scheme To Magenta
○Changed To White Balance
○Color Enhance
The Beast Unleashed
And then something happened with GIMP, and I couldn't preview anything. But that's the most I've changed in a wallie. Usually cuz the wallie's are so good that you don't really have to change them lol. Lol, I even changed my writing format. Haha, I liked writing like this. And this challenge was fun. Though it took me like two hours to finish this lol. Haha, enjoy please!
Oh, and Hugs and Favorite are GREATLY appreciated lol. I wanna try to make it up to 30, which i've never done before. But it's your choice to like it or not. Mwahaha, I'm on a rampage. >:D
Lots of Love!
{{ ♥♥ }}