Karmira (Wallpaper Portfolio) Ezio - Inspirational Wallpaper

Ezio - Inspirational Wallpaper
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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The full description to the process and details to parts is here on the first version.

I created this version as an inspirational wallpaper to myself. I have a few wallpapers that just seem to give me strength and when I saw that image, I wanted to create a new one.

It's a very bright picture and reminds me of a fairy tale, almost like he is a ////// prince, not just a tricky rogue; although, I have to say that coming in through the window keeps that image, too. He's my friend and someone I trust, someone who could take me away if he was here. The feathers are much clearer here because feathers hold their own power to me, such as being spirited away, flying, and dreams.

I worked on transforming the image into a wallpaper and then I added one of my favorite quotes. Since the quote didn't quite fit exactly worded, I changed the wording. The real phrase altered is a ghost phrase above emphasizing the need to not be afraid. In addition, I added the rest of the quote, which I hadn't heard until I went looking, to balance the full composition.

I had hoped for this wallpaper to bring out the mesmerizing beauty and power of dreams. Just as importantly, I wanted to combine dreams with hope. As my friends tell me, I will get out of this rough patch.

Dedicated to Auditore, since he is the main character in it.

Assassin's Creed Wallpapers
Assassin's Creed, Assassin's Creed II, auditore, believe, dagger, dream, ezio, feathers, inspirational, personal, quote, roses, window, young
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