riho88riho (Wallpaper Portfolio) The Wedding

The Wedding
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Title: The Wedding
Series: Wedding Peach
Characters: Yousuke and Momoko
Layers: 390

Favorite/Comment @ Minitokyo and/or AnimePapers

So I started this when I was rewatching Yuu Yuu Hakusho (haha). At the time I was in the middle of watching the series (Wedding Peach) and so I had been looking at the images for it recently. The only "good" images of Momo and Yousuke together was the wedding picture I used for this wallpaper. But I figured just vectoring them wouldn't be enough... which, in all honesty, is my biggest problem. I love the vectoring, but I can't make wallpapers very well. So I went in search of a church I would vector for the background (I actually didn't want to use the one in the picture due to all the people in it and that it kind of lacked what I had in mind, I suppose). I ended up finding this one image, here at MT, and I literally vectored the background. I won't deny that I took the easy way out and used solid lines for it, but I figured it'd be better since I was vectoring walls and stuff rather than people.

Anyway, I got the background done and decided to get back to the actual vector of Momo and Yousuke. So from the crown I went and worked on the hair and the face then the veil. I'll add the sequence image thing later.

The hair turned out rather awesome once you could distinguish the shade from the base... it just looks more epic now compared to the original scan... haha.

Hardest part to vector was probably the bouquet which was just a pain in the butt! I cheated on the leaves >__>;; I used PSP8 and just literally drew the lines and stuff then put it in photoshop with the rest of the vector and adjusted the under layers to fit to the outline I'd just made. The roses I added a bit of texture to make them which made them look rather cool. I didn't bother with an outlines or lines with those but rather relied on the basic base and shadows to give them their look and definition... turned out pretty well if you ask me ^-^

This led me to realizing I could add cool textures to other layers... I went back and fixed the earrings and the crown to having a texture and the earring, I personally believe, turned out the best of them all! ^___^ Of course at 100% viewing (of the vector) it is a biiiit much haha but it gives it a better look, if you ask me.

Anyway... I know this is a rather simple wallpaper, in all honesty I wish I could've done more... But I'm still lacking the effects department and I really have trouble doing the actually backgrounds *sniffle* makes me so sad... To make up for all the open spaces, I made the wallpaper 1600x1200 instead of 1920x1200 which worked out better for taking up space and focusing on the couple a bit more. After I added them to the wallpaper, I lightened them up a bit which made them go with the BG a bit more/better than they were with the original vector colors (those were a bit more on the dark side).

Either way, there isn't much love for this series (sadly) but I tend to be a fan of not-popular series, evidently XDDD hahahahahahah! So I'm not expecting a lot from this wallpaper, but I can't help but want to vector Momo and Yousuke... their relationship and its development was just amazing ^-^ hehe

On a side note, there are so many layers cuz I still haven't mastered the merging and using of one layer for separate parts >__< this is, after all, my first vector-wallpaper using mostly photoshop D= hopefully it'll get easier and better from here out XD

Original Scan (for Vector)
BG Original Scan
Paint Shop Pro 8
Nao Yazawa & Sukehiro Tomita

Wedding Peach Wallpapers
, bridal, church, couple, dress, flowers, formal, fuuma, hanasaki, momo, momoko, peach, wedding, yousuke
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