Keba Si Rota (Wallpaper Portfolio) Acronym


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Told you I'd double-team this picture.

This is my first wallpaper ever! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!

I've planned on doing something like this for a long time. The "Done By Hand" Challenge was a perfect excuse to submit it.

The idea came to me when I was thinking about parts of speech and the cast of FMA. One can envy someone/something. One can lust for someone/something. But "greed" isn't a verb. But what if it was an acronym? What would it stand for? The words "grab", "every", and "desire" came to mind almost instantly. "Earthly" took a bit more thinking. But what about that "R"?

Many days later, I was lying on a hospital bed, waiting for a procedure. I had nothing to do because I didn't have access to the volume of FMA manga that I was reading (I had just finished the part where Greed tells Ed about what Ed later called a "warped view of ethics"). Anyway, I thought about the acronym and went through every word I could that described a way to grab and stared with "R". Although it wasn't a perfect fit, "readily" seemed best.

So there you have it. Greed is an acronym. Whatcha gonna do 'bout it?

As I said at the beginning of this post, I used the picture that I recently drew for this wallpaper. You can read about the process I went through by clicking the link.

Due to the resolution, the original image was pretty tall. Instead of shrinking it down, I just resized the canvas. I only needed to show his face and hand, anyway. The only other things I did to the drawing were to touch it up a little more, clean up the whites of the eyes, and brighten the irises. Aside from what I previously did to the drawing before I posted it in the Fan Art section, that was it.

The background is totally lousy. I just rendered some red and black clouds. That was it.

It took me forever to find an appropriate-looking font that would fit within the confines of the canvas. I settled on Wide Latin.

In case you hadn't figured it out, I made this wallpaper with Photoshop. CS5 to be specific.

I made it 1366x768 because that's the screen resolution of my laptop. If your screen is bigger than that, I'm sorry if the wallpaper looks weird.

Thanks for reading this huge comment. Hope you enjoy the wallpaper!

Fullmetal Alchemist Wallpapers
acronym, fma, grab readily every earthly desire, greed
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7 members Favoritefavorite
erialephise4 erialephise XxArrancarFanxX kisa soma 21Emmz12
Member Dedication
Done by hand

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