Team Plasma N (Wallpaper Portfolio) Loser

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"Because I was called a Loser."

This is for clueless101's challenge which I found to be a bit more difficult then I expected. It's okay though, because of it I learned a bit more about making a wallpaper, and it actually helped me learn a new technique for one of my biggest problems which is font. I always have a problem with being able to read font or picking the right one and I feel I did justice with this wallpaper since the first font is Ninja Naruto font xD How creative am I? lol No seriously I also learned how to play with the thickness of the lines so now I won't have problems with the glow or the outlining. I now have that problem fixed. So thanks to this challenge I learned something new thus this is why I will be dedicating it to Clue because you have saved me much headache since that is always one of my biggest problems trying to make wallpapers. Picking the font and the colors, and so forth.

Obviously right now I am going through a Naruto stage...not entirely sure why but maybe it is because I was "Iruka Sensei" at one point in my life and learning new things, I needed Naruto. Naruto wallpapers were the ones I started with when I began making my own wallpapers back in the day.

Why I chose this particular quote. I think its rather explanatory really, throughout the series we hear Naruto being called a loser, idiot, and always looked down upon. The unsung hero yes? Well I for one can relate to him because during these times in my life, my adolescence in high school people called me a loser and put me down. With time, I struggled as well, and I still struggle to this day, however, like Naruto, I have worked hard and made a name for myself in my community and made a difference in many lives. That is why I chose this quote! I really strongly relate to it!

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  • Ninja Naruto
  • To Hell and Back


Naruto Wallpapers
hokage, legacy, loser, naruto, sage, shippuden, uzamaki
17 votes thumb
13 members Favoritefavorite
AzumaBlade Nessiered optimuserik Shirtless MizzMAB angel1753 benihime27 Rainbow Dragon Marcus80 narutofangirl8 clueless101 MangaKid Artgrrl
Member Dedication
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quote challenge!!!

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