kitabug69 (Wallpaper Portfolio) CB (008)

CB (008)
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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This wallie is a Fan Fic wallie or a Crossover or Cowboy BeBop. Whichever you please in calling it. No matter what title you give it it is an Anime wallie.

It took me all of a week to figure out how I was going to do this wallie when Lunastarz linked me the image of this years OC from the TheO Story we are doing this year. I was so excited in vectoring her and setting up the wallie. It seemed everything was pixied or just down right of BAD quality. So I vectored the background I was using, and set it up with a different view.

I am VERY pleased with the out come of this wallie with me adding an OC to it and adding Spike from Cowboy BeBop. Though, it still looks a little odd to me with a strange woman in the image with Spike... lol... but it has grown on me.

Drawing of Sepia Kingsley: Lunastarz
All Vectors: Kitabug69
Image of Spike: Don't remember.
Backgrounds: Cowboy BeBop.
Brushes: PS CS6

I would link the image of Sepia for you all, but Lunastarz did not post the drawing of Sepia. Also she did not sign the rough draft she gave to me to vector. So for me to link or post the image is a 'No'.

With all that said, I want to say a HUGE 'Thank You' to Lunastarz for the drawing of Sepia. Without her talented artistic skills this wallie would not have been possible for me to make.

Thank you Luna *HUGS TIGHT*... She really is beautiful...

Votes, Comments, and Faves are always appreciated...


Cowboy Bebop Wallpapers
Assassin, Bounty Hunter, FanFic, Guns, Lunastarz, OC, Sepia, Sketch, Space, Spike, TheO Story, Vector
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