Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) B.o.R.d.e.r.L.a.N.D (Johan ver

B.o.R.d.e.r.L.a.N.D (Johan ver
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600

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Song Inspiration: Borderland-Mami Kawada

Johan render
ACTION [1] [2] [3]
Background effects done in PSCS5/PSCS6

I decided I'm going to do a series of wallpapers that correspond with the lyrics of Borderland by Mami Kawada. The first one I did featured Judai and Yubel, now this one features Johan. Toward the end of the 3rd season, he becomes possessed by Yubel and he no longer is the same person he once was. He loses his soul and Yubel basically takes over his body and traps his soul elsewhere. Judai has to duel him to get his soul back and as usual Judai saves him,proving that friendship can overcome any obstacle.
The lyrics here are the second part of the first verse. I thought this part fits Johan best because he is usually really nice. But when Yubel possesses him, he becomes evil and hurts people which is something he normally wouldn't do. He has respect for everyone, especially Judai. The part about love coming to late could relate to Judai saving him before it's too late. I really don't know how to explain it. I used both romaji and kanji lyrics for this. Also I've included the English translation as well. The next part will be the first chorus. I don't know which character that will represent yet.
The process for this wallpaper was rather difficult. I tried out a few new actions, tried something new with the background and featured a filmstrip. Originally I was going a collage like a checkerboard but that didn't really work out. I'm happy with how this wallpaper turned out. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper.
Member Dedication: SweeTea, because you are such a sweetheart to everyone here. You're one of my best friends and I love you very much. You are very much like Johan. You are kind and gentle. I love you. Hope you like the wallpaper.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
borderland, johan, johan anderson, lyrics, mami kawada, yu-gi-oh gx
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allycat2090 okumuralover15 21Emmz12 luicifers wife Soulanime14 CrimzonN3k0 z SweeTea Darkarax MangaKid
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