Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Friends Forever

Friends Forever
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Submission for the For You challenge for DemonsandAngels!

I went through a pretty bad break up a few years back and the best advice I can possibly give is that no matter how it may feel you're not alone! Guys are stupid but its your girlfriends that you know you can always rely on; the ones that have been with you since school, your partners in crime, they know you better than yourself, you laugh together and you cry together, you know each others secrets but you dont judge each other for it, if you make a fall they will laugh at your stupid ass first but will always be there to help you back up again, and would help you hide a body first and ask questions later. Always remember that you have friends who will last longer than any guy. Granted I dont know your exact situation but XxXWinXGirlXxX really cares for ya and hey I always like making new friends ^_^ BIG cyber hug for you my friend.
FYI DemonsandAngels - I actually do have a full fledged degree in forensic science so if you need a hand just give me a shout ;) I may live in the middle of Australia but its a bloody desert here mate, you can bury a body out here and it will never ever be found again! In fact Im pretty sure thats what the majority of our serial killer have done. If anyone asks say a kangaroo killed them and no one will ask any questions, no really those things can be crazy stalking killing machines -_-

Oh right as for the wallie, simple vector but I really enjoyed making it and thinking about the crazy ass people that I call my friends, all the trouble we have gotten in to over the years and something tells me there is plenty more to come :)
Original Scan - Totes BFFs 4eva
Plus textures 1 & 2

Lucky Star Wallpapers
Friends, Kagami Hiiragi, Konata Izumi, Lucky Star, Miyuki Takara, Tsukasa Hiiragi
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21 members Favoritefavorite
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