Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Space Cowboy

Space Cowboy
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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This one has broken some new records for me, not for the amount of time spent on one wallie but the amount of layers; I generally try to keep things simple so Im lucky to have more than like 6 layers on whatever Im working on, for this the count was well over 30 and then I stopped counting because my eyes were sore >.<

I am ecstatically happy with how his shirt and hair turned out, really happy with the pants and just happy with the shoes. The scan (and all copies I could find I googled it!) were all pretty bad quality on the shoes and pants so I had to improvise and do my best. As for the tequilla bottle... Im not nearly good enough to even attempt to vector that!! I believe my exact words at the time were "Oh hells no! Just die tequilla!"
I think the most trouble I had was deciding what parts I wanted the smooth out and what parts to keep sharp - To smooth or not to smooth, that was the question. And that question took up a considerable amount of time with every aspect of this wallie.
The original scan also has a lamp in it which I briefly considered vectoring, however that brief thought lasted about 10 seconds before being followed by a "Meh" and it was erased.

Dedicated to my good mate Arra-chan for what she made for me before and for being awesome in general - much love matey :D

Original scan - See Ya Space Cowboy
Plus textures 1 & 2

While this took a bejesus amount of work ultimately I am damn happy with the result ^_^


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