Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Fifty Shades of Gray

Fifty Shades of Gray
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Submission for the Grayscale competition!

Was this one hard? No. It has to be one of the easiest wallies I have ever made.
Was it fun? Oh hells yes!!!

The very first manga I ever read were Hellsing, Fruits Basket, and Trigun. Those three combined (they were all still ongoing at the time!) were what started my love of both anime and manga many years ago. Since I was really new to the anime/manga realm and really didnt have anything else to do with my life, I would read the manga online and save all the awesome pictures to my pc never to be looked at again, but I still kept on saving all the good pictures and in fact all these years later I still do it! And since that very first picture I have had absolutely no reason to keep these pictures because they would never be of any actual use... UNTIL NOW. Because I still have my images from the Fairy Tail manga! And I finally got to use them! Ha ha! Thats right theyre all mine! XD

Oh man I have had one hell of a fun time with this one. I dont even remember how I got onto the track of Fifty Shades of Gray especially when the books are absolute shithouse! but eventually I completely fell in love with the idea of the Fifty Shades of Gray Fullbuster with fifty manga panels as the background.

I started off roaming through my manga scans and picked a variety from all different volumes before having to cull the images (and there were a lot since Gray is my favourite!) to exactly 50. The Gray vector was incredibly easy I just had to clean it up a bit, also with him on the front that makes 51 shades of gray technically... but lets just forget that.

Original scan - Ice Ice Baby
Plus texture 1 to keep the background flat and the frontground (its a real word I just created it) nice n sharp.



Fairy Tail Wallpapers
Fairy Tail, Fairy Tale, Gray, Gray Fullbuster, Grey
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