Submission for the Underappreciated Challenge!
So originally for this challenge my character was Reever Wenham from D. Gray Man. I was still very new to the anime/manga world when I first watched (and read!) D Gary Man and I absolutely loved it, in particular I am completely smitten with Reever. I didnt realise it at the start but the character is also supposed to be Australian which just made me love him even more! :D
I dont know why I initially fell for him, I often fall for the background characters and its incredibly rare for me to fall for the main character, but as the series progressed I found myself really liking all the scientists of the Black Order - Reever, Johnny, Komui (well everyone loves him but he steals the spotlight off the other scientists!) Tapp I cried when he died! D:, Number 65, and all the gang.
As such I decided to make a wallie with all of them! Ok not *all* of them but the main guys at least. And when I found the scan for this one I was completely sold! I did play around with it quite a lot but I found the more I did the worse it looked so I ended up keeping it simple, and I reckon it looks better that way ^_^
Original Scan - Keeping Science Sexy