Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) One Tail

One Tail
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Submission for the Comparison Study challenge!

Im surprised no one has already done these guys actually because as soon as I read the challenge they were the first ones that came to mind! I guess it works for most JUMP heroes although FT technically isnt JUMP it sure should be!

I present to thee: in the left corner One Pieces Monkey D Luffy - and in the right corner Fairy Tails Natsu Dragneel!

So the point of the challenge is to pick two different characters from two different series and compare them against each other. Im sure I will think of more similarities between the two but this is what I can do off the top of my head because I have no social life.

Really shouldnt have to mention this but in case you arent up to date with either One Piece or Fairy Tail - SPOILER ALERT YO!

    * One of the best ones is that theyre both big eaters, oh lordy can they eat.
    * Both lost a friend when they were young (Sabbo for Luffy, Lisana & Igneel for Natsu. Lisana came back hence why Natsu has two and while we're at it Im not convinced that Sabbo died either!).
    * Captain of their team/crew.
    * Super powers! Rubber for Luffy and fire for Natsu.
    * Despite having ridiculously strong powers they also have the most ridiculous of weaknesses - Luffy cant swim and Natsu gets pretty severe motion sickness.
    * Both have been through a time skip - Luffy 2yrs Natsu 7yrs.
    * Generally the joker of their team, they often provide the most comedy relief and are often the reason why they get their team into so much trouble.
    * However if anyone threatens their friends or family they become deadly serious and wont back down.
    * They are both strong fighters, the strongest of their team, and is the one to fight the big bad boss (and they always win! Yay!)
    * While they are the strongest fighter and have the strongest team supporting them, they have both only lost one battle during their anime/manga run. Luffy to Batholomew Kuma in the Shabondy Archipelago and Natsu to the dragon Acnologia on Tenrou Island. (both of which are the best arcs!!!) XD
    * The both have a treasure which they value above all else (except their nakama of course) - Luffys straw hat and Natsu scarf.

And thats just the two main characters! The list of similarities between the two series is so much longer!!!

Ok hopefully that should do but hey if anyone else can think of anything add it into the comments! :D

As for the wallie itself, at one point there I had well over 50 pictures of Natsu and Luffy to sort through to choose to put onto the wallie. That was probably the most troublesome -_- The rest was pretty basic stuff but Im happy with it ^_^

Original images - A Pirate and a Wizard walk into a bar...
Plus textures - 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7!



Crossover Anime and Manga Wallpapers
Comparison Study, Crossover, Fairy Tail, Luffy, Monkey D Luffy, Natsu, Natsue Dragneel, One Piece
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Comparison Study

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