Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) W.e.Remain.(800th wallpaper)

W.e.Remain.(800th wallpaper)
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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This is a wallpaper I made in November. I've been waiting to submit it when I can add the links to everything but I decided to upload it now as my 800th wallpaper. Yep its my 800th wallpaper. I can't believe how many wallpapers I made and submitted here. Its a little over 6/7 years worth~. I feel like I've reached some sort of milestone. I wouldn't have come this far without all the support of all my wonderful friends here. I'm so thankful for all of you.*huggles everyone*
The wallpaper features one of my favorite characters Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier. I've been wanting to use this scan of Sheryl for awhile but I didn't know how I wanted to work with it. But then I was listening to Christina Aguilara's song "We Remain" from the Hunger Games: Catching Fire soundtrack and this wallpaper was born.
The process on how its made is a little tough to explain but I will try my best. I think I started out planning on making another wallpaper but I ended up making the wallpaper you see now. I used a lot of complex textured and actions with a bit of gradients that gave it the look it has now. The text was an experiment with blending with the wallpaper, acting as a texture, sort of thing. I actually liked how it turned out. Its the lyrics of the chorus of We Remain. I thought the song fit Sheryl Nome in this scan. It even kind of ended up looking like one of the Hunger Games posters. I will add links later to better to better illustrate my explanation. In fact the style of this wallpaper was inspired by the Hunger Games: Catching Fire movie posters. Long explanation is long~:D
Anyway I hope everybody enjoys the enjoys my 800th wallpaper. I can't believe I have made that many wallpapers.
Dedication-All of my wonderful otaku friends. I can't narrow down just one person to dedicate this too. So I will dedicate this to all of you. You are all so wonderful. Thank you all for being so epic~<3 I love all of you,my dear epic friends. *gives you all big huggles*
PS: Long description is long~^U^ (also will add links later too)
Edit: Original Scan link added: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/52799

Macross Wallpapers
800th wallpaper, bokeh, broken glass, christina Aguilara, fire, macross frontier, matrix, sayonara no tsubasa, Sheryl nome, we remain
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