Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Tempest

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I watched Zetsuen no Tempest a while back and I absolutely loved it. However it was only afterwards that I discovered there is a serious lack of wallies for such an awesome-o-saurus series!

Solution = Ill make my own!

Originally I wanted to do one with the Mahiro and Yoshino however when I stumbled across this scan of the two girls - instant love. Although as much as I loved the scan I really didnt like how it kind of went overboard with the rose petals, I prefer the whole 'less is more' rule (check out the original and you will see what I mean).

So solution 2 = Ill make my own version!

Vector was relatively easy with only minimal cleaning to do. Decided to try a new method with the hair and dresses and I like to think that it turned out pretty well, Im sure there is a hell of a lot easier way to do what I did but hey Im still happy with the end result. Originally I had some text saying Sisters by Fate and a line of red string connecting their pinky fingers... but that ended up looking pretty lame so consider it GONE.

Now, generally I dont really care for backgrounds. I throw a bunch of textures together until Im happy and shazam Im done. I love working on the main characters but as soon I finish working on them I get bored and try to make a background as soon as possible so I can move on to the next wallie. For probably the first time ever I actually took a little interest in the background here. Not because I wanted to but because without the rose vines the wallie wouldnt look nearly as good. So I had to sit down and vector EVERY FREAKING ROSE. EVERY FREAKING VINE. EVERY FREAKING LEAF AND ALL THOSE MOTHER FREAKING PETALS TOO.

All I can say is that Im damn happy with how it turned out and I never want to do it again! >.<

No joke this took me over a month to complete! (and that includes my workaholic self being stuck in hospital for a week with nothing else to do! Without said hospital stay it probably would have taken 2 months dammit!)

Original Scan - Tempest Gals
Plus textures 1 & 2 & 3



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Aika Fuwa, Hakaze Kusaribe, Zetsuen no Tempest
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