Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Laughing Man

Laughing Man
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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I wont lie - this was a very easy wallpaper. The vector was incredibly easy and I liked it that way! This one came about because I only recently got into Ghost in the Shell and as a fellow hacker I am completely smitten by the Laughing Man ^_^ Man I wish I could hack like that! >.<

Anyway in my Laughing Man induced haze I found out the hard way that there is a serious lack of LM wallies around, Ghost in the Shell as a whole is one freaking awesome series and there are plenty there but not many on LM! So naturally I decided to fix that. All I really wanted was the LM symbol as the wallie - nothing else. So naturally I decided to do exactly that!

I had some trouble with the text though, apparently trying to curl text around in a circle is to much to ask of Paint.Net so I had to use bloody MS Word to get the text effects I wanted and then transfer them to Paint.Net... which was not easy -_-
Anyway, it all worked out in the end and I am damn happy with it XD

Oh on an end note - no there is no hidden message in the binary background. I did think about but by the time I had finished the vector and the purdy background it was after midnight so I gave up. However I will admit that there is a mistake in there somewhere and I did it on purpose ;D

Original Scan - The really small circle in the middle of a really large scan
Plus textures 1 & 2



Ghost in the Shell Wallpapers
Ghost in the Shell, Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Comp, GITS:SAC, Laughing Man, The Laughing Man
8 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
Rabbita stal1n nimbusoak XxArrancarFanxX 7thEvaChild Hifsa
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