Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) A.R.T.P.O.P~!

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Main Yu-Gi-Oh Image
Wonderstruck ActionMade byKurihara Akane
City Stock Photo
Grunge texture
Rainbow Nebula
Other textures made by me in Photoshop CS5
Tech Brush
Broken Glass Brush

This is a last minute entry for the Everybody JUMP! challenge hosted by Snowzi. The Shonen Jump manga/anime I chose for my wallpaper was the series of Yu-Gi-Oh. I have been a fan of this anime series for most of my life so naturally I had to make a wallpaper of it for this challenge. I have read the Shonen Jump manga of the original Yu-Gi-Oh and seen the anime as well. I love the characters,the art,the story,all of it. I pretty much grew up with most of the characters. I collected the cards,played the game way back when. Well that is some of the history I have with this series. Now to the meat and bones of the wallpaper.
The image I chose for the wallpaper has all the main characters of the different Yu-Gi-Oh series franchise (Duel Monsters,GX,5D's,ZeXal,and the current Arc-V which premiered this month in Japan). I had found it doing random image searches and decided to make into the wallpaper you see now. It was sort of a challenge to make and didn't come out the way I expected. Here's why...
Well I decided to once again explore new styles of walling by experimenting with textures. I was listening to Lady Gaga when I was making it so it sort of influenced some of the crazy colors and stuff. It took awhile to make (at least an hour to maybe an hour and a half) and the extraction was a challenge.
For those of you not familiar with Yu-Gi-Oh the characters that appear in the wallpaper are Yusei Fudo,Yuma Tsukumo,Yugi Moto,Atem/Yami Yugi,Astral,Judai Yuki,and the new kid Yuya Sakaki (in the front with the red and green hair and white cape on the hippo)
Sorry for the long description. I had a lot to explain about the process and gibe a bit of history about the characters and anime. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. I had fun making it. Title is inspired by Applause by Lady Gaga and her new album.
Long description is very long

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
astral, atem, city, entermate discover hippo, Gaia the fierce night, horseback riding, horses, Judai, Judai Yuki, jump, rainbow, sakaki yuya, shonen jump, yami yugi, yu-gi-oh 5d's, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yu-gi-oh gx, yu-gi-oh zexal, yu-gi-oh!, yugi moto, yuma tsukumo, yusei, yusei fudo
17 votes thumb
18 members Favoritefavorite
erialephise CureRose55 allycat2090 nessy007 Hifsa Sakura Tachibana clueless101 CyootiePie MangaKid SweeTea XxArrancarFanxX SongBird33 Darkarax NinjaBluez Snowzi
Member Dedication
Everybody JUMP!

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