ElementalNinja (Wallpaper Portfolio) [::Zest Of Adventure::]

[::Zest Of Adventure::]
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Background: [X]

Original Scan: [X]

Renders: [X] (These renders were made transparent by Neyla at Tumblr, and official art from a scan inside the Japan Playstation Dengeki magazine, showing off the first look at ToZ's animation from UFOtable, as credited above.)

(For XxArrancarFanxX's Challenge; You Make me Smile)

THIS WALLPAPER TOOK ME FOREVER BUT I'M SO PROUD OF IT OMG. Not only is it the first Tales of Zestiria wallpaper for TheO, but it's my first time trying to do an imitation of sorts from a scan. The background was a little hard to work with, since it was slightly blurry, but I tried to fix that as best I could. It was also a big pain trying to fit the actual renders in, but I managed to do so, without having it look too bad, despite not fully showing the whole of a part of it. (As you can see from Alicia's lance. The renders were big, but I tried! ;A;)
And at times of looking back, I was also very tempted to re-do it and try to experiment with it in a few more ways, but I felt too proud of it to do so, since this was actually something that I was actually happy with for once.

Not only did the result of this wallpaper make me smile, but it's also the "Tales of" Series in general that makes me smile more than anything in the world. It's one of the very few things that keep me going, whenever I feel down or lost. When anything "Tales of" related comes up or even just completely new news about it, I just automatically start smiling and getting excited like a hyperactive little kid. It...makes me crazy, but in a good way of course. Although, I feel like I can annoy my sister at times whenever I freak out about it, and she just ignores me, hahaha.
I feel like if I ever tried to explain to someone just how important this video game series is to me, it would take forever and a big list of all the words in the world to try to describe just how much I love everything about it and what a big part of my life it is. (Well...more or less it IS my life. xD)

Slay and Alicia are the new main characters for Tales of Zestiria, designed by Kosuke Fujishima and Daigo Okumura. So far from what I've heard and seen of them, I absolutely love their designs and the depictions of their personalities. Slay is going to be such a cutie and I can tell I'm definitely going to like Alicia and the other characters that were introduced. (Especially Laila ahhhhh ;u;) I JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS GAME WHICH ISN'T COMING OUT UNTIL NEXT YEAR. I HAVE SO MUCH NEED FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL GAME AND THOSE DRAGONS. HELP.

I'm dedicating this to my best and closest friend Kelsey, who is just as excited for Tales of Zestiria! She is also the one to introduce me into this wonderful series a few years back, and gave me a whole new world to explore filled with all the emotions that one could ever experience. Not only am I grateful to her for getting me into this series, but I will always be thankful for her and our long time 5 years of friendship. Thank you so much for giving me happiness all these years! It's been a real...adventure. I hope we'll continue to have many more adventures of friendship! I love you so much and I hope you like this! <3

Tales of (Series) Wallpapers
Alicia, of, Slay, Tales, Tales of, Tales of Series, Tales of Zestiria, ToZ, Zestiria
15 votes thumb
14 members Favoritefavorite
CureRose55 SeverFlame bjiougirl2000 ShyPrincess Hifsa Kaagemusha HelloKatty Soulanime14 Rainbow Dragon CycloneSabre411 XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
You Make me Smile

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