Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Because I'm H.A.P.p.Y.<3.

Because I'm H.A.P.p.Y.<3.
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Sources Used

Rainbow Bokeh

Castle background

(inserted red bird from this render)

A last minute entry for You Make Me Smile challenge created by XxArrancarFanxX .
To be honest I wasn't sure if I should submit this here. But I made this wallpaper the other night and I wanted to share it here.
A lot of people probably aren't familiar with Sofia the First but it is a show that makes me happy whenever I feel down. Sofia is a girl and her mom marries the king of the land and she becomes a princess. Basically the show focuses around Sofia and her learning how to be a princess. She has a mystical amulet which was a gift from her stepfather to make her feel welcome. It has mysterious abilities such as giving her the power to talk to animals.and a few other things. She earned these abilities by performing good deeds and helping others. But when she does something bad she gets cursed until she makes it right. Also it can summon the Disney Princesses to help her out. More information about the show can be found here.
Sofia and her animal friends make me happy. Whenever I watch this show I feel better and I smile because she is so happy and the show is so colorful. And I just love the adventures she has. I love the magic in this show and she inspires my imagination. But my favorite character has to be Clover (the gray rabbit). Because he is so awesome and just funny and full of spunk. I like the birds too,Mia and Robin. The whole show makes me smile.
The wallpaper is simple using a background from the show and some textures I made myself. I wasn't originally planning to make this wallpaper but I'm happy I made it. it is nice to make a cute and colorful wallpaper. I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.
Dedication: ForeverOtaku aka Ri-chan
I dedicate this one to you Ri-chan because you make me smile. You're a sweet friend and I love talking to you and you've always helped me. Overall You're just a sweet friend and I love you very much *big huggles*
Hope you like it Ri-chan.

Other TV Wallpapers
birds, bokeh, castle, clover, disney, enchancia, happy, mia, princess, rabbit, Robin, sofia, sofia the first, squirrel, usagi, whatnaught
16 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
SailorScout007 ForeverOtaku Hifsa Snowzi XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
You Make me Smile

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