tsubasachro (Wallpaper Portfolio) Has It Really Been So Long?

Has It Really Been So Long?
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Listen to the song here! :)

I've been having one of those months… I love this song because it has such a desperate sad feeling to it. To me this song is about somebody who is so completely at the end of their rope and are just trying to rekindle that feeling of life within themselves. And in the case of this particular song its about turning to alcohol and risky behaviors to find those feelings again. I've been very stressed out lately and hearing those words like:
"My instincts are telling me
To pick up and go
But I can't feel my fingers
And I can't move my toes"
Really resonate with me. That feeling like how you want to run away from the problem so bad but you know you can't because its your job on the line, and you find yourself paralyzed and unable to move forward or go backwards.
Not to be a downer, XD I'm generally a happy person, but this song just hits home for me right now.
And I picked this character, Ushitora from Demon Flowers, because he is just like this in the series. Wanting the person he loves, afraid of the future, and trying to move forward. Plus, to me he personifies sacrifice and is just awesome.


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Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
blood, color, cry, demon flowers, man, manga, sad, sun, tears
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Bleachic pandaman08 Hifsa Snowzi
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| Go With the Music Pt. II |

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